BAM Canada’s Second Birthday

WOW! 2 years already! Time sure flies when you’re having fun. We're SO honoured to keep gathering and growing with and alongside missional Canadian business owners. The best is truly yet to come!

YOU continually inspire us! We want to send something your way to thank you for being on this journey with us. (Sign up here to get your birthday celebrations in the mail! 📬)

Moving into this next year, we have some new initiatives on the horizon. The first of our announcements as we move into the next year is announced below! 👇

Our birthday SURPRISE… 🥳

We’ve just launched the Business As Mission Canada PODCAST where we share inspiring Canadian missional business stories!

Each episode features a unique BAM perspective to build and challenge yours - by sharing insightful and encouraging missional business stories from Canada and beyond.

Check it out for yourself, and share with a friend! ✨

Want to network for more Kingdom impact in our BAM Canada Network community?


Stewarding Creation Through Business


Why a Quadruple Bottom Line?